You cannot preach about the sanctity of human life, while turning a blind eye to the fact that many unborn Americans will, as adults, face harsh burdens in the free exercise of their right to vote and to be a candidate. We cannot hope to live in a nation where the sanctity of human life is honored, without celebrating the fact that human life features a wide range of different races, colors, creeds, nationalities, abilities, sexes and sexual orientations. My second beef with the pro-life industry is that tends to be run by people who think that you can honor human life, without honoring justice. Yet, many people in the pro-life industry insist upon abstinence-only sex education because it is politically correct to the religious right. It does so without having to throw the proverbial book at people. When used properly and consistently used, birth control and condoms are highly effective in preventing disease and abortion. This brings me to my first beef with the pro-life industry-it is largely run by people who oppose comprehensive sex education.
Yet, the only foreseeable way that abortion would come up through the school board is through sex education. I enjoy reading Roxane Salonen commentaries and would agree that abortion is almost always unjust.